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Fidelity Security Life Insurance Request for Incentives Testimony: KCPS District Advisory Committee

Below is the written testimony given by the Kansas City Public Schools District Advisory Committee Chair

Hello again, Chairman Barnes and Committee. Thank you again for letting me testify. My name is Angie Lile and I am here again on behalf of the Kansas City public Schools District Advisory Committee which is a committee of parents, teachers and community leaders living in the Kansas City Public School boundaries.

The Kansas City Public Schools DAC strongly opposes this incentive request by Fidelity Security Life. We do not agree that a successful insurance company like Fidelity Security Life has adequately demonstrated a true need to divert precious resources away from our public schools during their most dire time of need and for a generation and a half of our students into the future.

Furthermore, we urge this committee and the council in general to immediately approve a shared parking plan to better utilize the spaces we have and to avoid these unnecessary requests to build parking garages.

And as a personal note, just because Councilman Fowler did bring up BNIM and as a parent who opposed that project, I can tell you that we didn't oppose it because of its environmental aspects. We opposed it because the incentive request was equally egregious. Thank you so much for your time.

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